Monday, 8 July 2013

Fear of Failure

Rashmi for the first time failed in her life in 8th standard, in mathematics. She was taken aback as she looked at her score card. She thought of herself as an average student but this one failure made her feel so pathetic. She lost all her confidence. At night, she was lying in her bed numb for whole night. She got up at 4am, passed by parents’ room & overheard her father saying to her mother,
“Rashmi has disappointed me for the first time in life. I never asked my children to top and secure highest grades, but passing is the least I expect from them. Couldn’t they give me back this little, in return of the efforts I’m making to educate them. Our father didn’t have enough money to educate us, and here, I’m trying to educate them but they ain’t willing to, may be, I don’t know! What? And Why?”

Rashmi eavesdropped her father and tears rolled down her cheeks. She knew she had disappointed her parents. She went on the terrace, cried for long. She made a promise to herself that she’ll never disappoint her family again, in her whole life, never let them down.

She worked hard for compartment and passed. Later when she went to school, she felt embarrassed in her class to share her result with her friends. Though a few more got compartment, but they were habitual to it, but Rashmi was not.

The feared from failing again, she dreaded it. She knew she won’t be able to take the pains of failing ever again in her life, this fear of failure gave her strength to work hard all her life.

PS : This was my entry for #Microfiction #Fear wrote on 28June, 2013 but published late.

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