If you ever leave
disappear like Sun
I want you to rise
every morn
in my arms.
Live in my eyes a life,
every night.
I'll hynotize
you to sleep
by my affectionate gaze.
You pull me into your dreams
by snuggling asleep.
Sleep in my lap
like Moon resting
in blanketed dark sky.
Innocence resting in
your closed eyes,
falling in drowsy dreams
of our life.
Romance sprinkle
Stars twinkle
a hopeful dance.
Chaos in clouds
clears by and by.
I belong with you
just like dew
to a leaf.
Bathe in my touch
it purges of pain
give you succour.
I resemble rain
in the way it falls,
I fall for you
like tiny abundant droplets
drenching the world.
Let me drown you
in the rainfall
of my love.
You sniff love with every breathe
like a drenched leaf
Wet soil shall bless us,
our union.
The cold breeze
cast a spell over us
make us love engulfed
as Nature celebrates a fair.
Brew me in your spirit
Blend me in your soul
Savour me like a juicy fruit
Lets paint love in universe
as Colors dance on canvas.
Let my skin rhyme with thine
Let us write verses on sand
Let us leave skinprints on nature
evidence of our deep love.
Our flow of love
like flow of verses
ceaseless tries & failures
to reach zenith
to compliment each line
of our lives
destined to be drawn
We shall voice our love
like twittering birds.
The bird within me
longs to fly
explore every sky
accompanied by
I wish to see the world
from your eyes.
I want to wander
holding your hand
in mine.
Our love will bloom
like a fresh flower
every morning
We shall consume
scented shower.
Our youthfulness might wither
but love will not.
Like dead dried flowers
we might look colorless
but true love is
in loving who
is not so beautiful.
Our love will see
wrinkles as ripples
underneath soul
caused by
the memories made
hands held
in moments of grace
in times of crisis.
Our bodies can be feeble
but aging do not make
hearts fragile.
Love strengthens
in blooming togetherness.
My heartbeats sing choir
call your
presence divine.
My love dipped existence
dances on your rhymes.
I shall exist in your poems eternally
You will stay immortal in my fables
We write each other
and make love through words.
We embrace a paradise
your touch worships
my smile blushes.
You distract me in gloom
& attract me in tune
of mellifluous love.
Our union will create
a new horizon of love.
Our skin at play
Our souls celebrating solace.
We shall rise in love
a little more
with the break of every dawn.
disappear like Sun
I want you to rise
every morn
in my arms.
Live in my eyes a life,
every night.
I'll hynotize
you to sleep
by my affectionate gaze.
You pull me into your dreams
by snuggling asleep.
Sleep in my lap
like Moon resting
in blanketed dark sky.
Innocence resting in
your closed eyes,
falling in drowsy dreams
of our life.
Romance sprinkle
Stars twinkle
a hopeful dance.
Chaos in clouds
clears by and by.
I belong with you
just like dew
to a leaf.
Bathe in my touch
it purges of pain
give you succour.
I resemble rain
in the way it falls,
I fall for you
like tiny abundant droplets
drenching the world.
Let me drown you
in the rainfall
of my love.
You sniff love with every breathe
like a drenched leaf
Wet soil shall bless us,
our union.
The cold breeze
cast a spell over us
make us love engulfed
as Nature celebrates a fair.
Brew me in your spirit
Blend me in your soul
Savour me like a juicy fruit
Lets paint love in universe
as Colors dance on canvas.
Let my skin rhyme with thine
Let us write verses on sand
Let us leave skinprints on nature
evidence of our deep love.
Our flow of love
like flow of verses
ceaseless tries & failures
to reach zenith
to compliment each line
of our lives
destined to be drawn
We shall voice our love
like twittering birds.
The bird within me
longs to fly
explore every sky
accompanied by
I wish to see the world
from your eyes.
I want to wander
holding your hand
in mine.
Our love will bloom
like a fresh flower
every morning
We shall consume
scented shower.
Our youthfulness might wither
but love will not.
Like dead dried flowers
we might look colorless
but true love is
in loving who
is not so beautiful.
Our love will see
wrinkles as ripples
underneath soul
caused by
the memories made
hands held
in moments of grace
in times of crisis.
Our bodies can be feeble
but aging do not make
hearts fragile.
Love strengthens
in blooming togetherness.
My heartbeats sing choir
call your
presence divine.
My love dipped existence
dances on your rhymes.
I shall exist in your poems eternally
You will stay immortal in my fables
We write each other
and make love through words.
We embrace a paradise
your touch worships
my smile blushes.
You distract me in gloom
& attract me in tune
of mellifluous love.
Our union will create
a new horizon of love.
Our skin at play
Our souls celebrating solace.
We shall rise in love
a little more
with the break of every dawn.
We never fall in love! We rise :)
Thank you so much <3